Break through the Barriers that Block Your Success
From the boardroom to the break room, every organization needs effective leaders. But everywhere we look, we see problems- from poor performance to high-profile scandals-that show how challenged leaders are today. Witnessing these downfalls, we are tempted to lose faith in the value of Leadership itself.
The Enemies of Excellence offers a bold solution to this crisis. Drawing from his experience in coaching corporate and not-for-profit leaders, Coach Greg offers real-life stories and observations that reveal the patterns of sabotage affecting all leaders. He paints a vivid picture of how the 7 enemies of excellence build on one another, from seemingly everyday weaknesses to the ones that destroy organizations and even nations.
Risk Assessment
This quick assessment is designed to help you assess possible gaps in your self-leadership.
Growth Guide
This guide is designed to be a personal, team or organizational guide to reading and applying the lessons discussed with The Enemies of Excellence.
Ideal Week
One of the hallmarks of great leaders is their ability to organize their own time. Use the Ideal Week template to help you learn how to time-block, sequence activities and create structures for high-performance.
Ego Evaluation
The enemy of egotism is the first and most dangerous enemy to your success. Use this tool to assess your level of risk so that you can work toward building sustainable success!
Personal and Professional Excellence Plan
The Personal and Professional Excellence Plan is a tool used to create your goals, design action steps and track your progress.